Dear friends, Mitrata supporters and all the well wishers,
I would like to wish you all a very happy New Year 2015.May this year bring all the desired success and happiness in your life with good health. Year 2014 was quite a challenging year for us as we had to relocate our organization to a new home within a very short time. The children had to be transferred to new school as well.
The new location of Mitrata Home is perfect for the children to grow. There are lot of open spaces and play grounds where children can play. It is nearby Shivapuri National park so the surrounding is clean, green and the air is very fresh. The current address is Bisnu Buddhanilkantha, Kathmandu. It is 10km away from Thamel. All the children are very happy in their new home and surrounding. We also have small vegetable garden. Children are learning to plant their own organic vegetables. Many International friends have visited our new home. Everyone is pleased with the new location.
Mitrata Nepal is currently supporting 35 Children. 16 children lives in the Mitrata home and 19 Students are being sponsored for their education at various colleges and schools. Our students are attending different courses like law, business studies, nursing and hotel management. Many students will soon be graduating from their 10th grade in few years after which they will be able to join High Schools. I am sure with your continuous support all the children will be able to atleast complete their bachelor's degree.
All the children have passed their final exams. Our children are not only progressing in their grades but also progressing in various extra activities like dance, music and various arts. They have participated on various music programs and shows with the music skills they acquired in the Mitrata Home.
On February 21, and 3rd March, Jacomina Kistemakar from Spain organized the BENEFIT CONCERT for Mitrata Children's Home at Hotel Vajra in Kathmandu. She is one of the great singer and Tibetan Singing bowl player. Mitrata Children had collaborated with her and put out an amazing performance.
On September 20th, 2014 Mitrata Children participated in a music program organized by Playing for Change Foundation (PFCF). USA. The children performed various classical and traditional dances and also showcased their skills in playing traditional Nepalese instruments.
On October all Nepalese celebrated one of the biggest Nepalese festival called Tihar. It is also known as the festival of lights. The celebration goes on for 5 days. During the festival Mitrata children played the Deusi/Bhailos (traditional festival songs) and showed their cultural performances in the new neighborhood for 3 days. In every house the children were asked to dance and perform their talents. The neighbors praised the Mitrata children talents show and appreciated fantastic performance. They were also able to raise $300 from their shows.
On 23rd Nov, all the Mitrata children participated in Thamel mall street festival. All the children had wonderful time performing for the show. Our friend and UK partner agency Hugh Mackay also attended the show. We all had great time together.
On 6th December, there was a free musical concert featuring performances by children’s bands, Nepal’s most reputed traditional folk band Kutumba and reputed singer and songwriter Bipul Chettri to mark the celebrations of 25 years of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) in Tundikhel, Kathmandu. Mitrata children also took part in this event and entertained the audience with lovely Nepalese classical instrumental songs.
2014 had been a wonderful year for all the children in the home. This had been possible only because of the continuous support of so many kind hearted people who had lend me their helping hands. I am very happy and grateful with all friends who came to see me here and supported my work. Without your love and care it is almost impossible to carry out these works. I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your true support and love.
Yours sincerely,