Dear friends and beloved supporters of Mitrata Nepal Children Home,
Namaste!,We hope you are all in good health and managing to flow with a world in turmoil and change, centring our hearts and minds in what is most important in life, the love for ourselves and all that lives here on this planet. Together we can make a difference!
This year has had its part of change in Mitrata Nepal as well. Part of the children has left to be taken care of by some of their personal American sponsors. The reason for this departure has been 2 different visions of the basic ideas about ways to support and stimulate the children on their way to be independent and useful members here, in this society in Nepal.
We've taken this as a call for change, which has inspired us, as Mitrata, to redefine our goals and methods, making our vision as clear as possible, so everybody knows where we stand and where we're going. A beautiful opportunity to make a fresh start!
First of all we want to put more and more importance on the project as a whole, as a community in the community.
That means that the sponsoring won't be a sponsoring for every child apart anymore but a support for the whole project of Mitrata.
The treatment of each child will be the same, according to what's there for the whole, stimulating their sense of cooperation, sharing and equality.
Because the owner of the children's home was raising the rent to an unaffordable level, we looked for a new house for the children to live. We found a beautiful new house near Shwyambhu Stupa, The "Monkey temple", uphill where the air is cleaner and a fresh wind blows. It could accommodate all of our children, is much better equipped and, the most amazing of all, almost half of the price of what we pay now! It's a residential area, safer for the children and for the staff. We have taken this, very gratefully, as a sign that the gods are smiling at us, in a place that is near (600meter)to one of the world’s heritage Stupa (SoyambuNath) in Kathmandu. The owner will paint the house and we'll move there in April 13th, which is the Nepali New Year 2069. As soon as all this is done we'll put some photos in our website.
We also want to open the house, proudly offering our heritage of high-level Mitrata cultural education of dance, song, art, theatre and music, to the children of the community in the area around the house. Our goal is to make it a project of sharing, supporting the integration of our children in society. We also see it as a start to create more sources of income so we can become more and more self-sufficient and giving the children a reason the more to be proud to live in this project!
We also found a better school Modern Nepal Academy (, which supports our vision of integration and preparing the children to live and work later in our Nepali society as worthy members with skills that give them a chance. Then, we're starting a program of apprentice-ship for the children after SLC (School Leaving Certificate) grade, meant to teach them how to work in the profession of their choice and prepare them to stand on their own when they reach the age of 18. That doesn't mean we won't support them anymore afterwards with counselling or helping them to find funds for on-going studies, like scholarships, etc. The deeper goal behind all this: they gradually should learn to take responsibility for their own life and development in every way so they can be proud of their achievements!
We think that the older they get, the more demanding we can be before we support them on a financial level. They have to earn support, work for it.
We will keep you informed about the whole process and would greatly appreciate your help in this project of change and innovation!
From all our children, who are very excited about all these changes and can't wait to go to their new house,
From Nanda, the heart and soul of this project,
From our staffs that's taking care of them with a lot of love and wisdom,
From our cultural teachers who're among the best of the country and
From our board members who are giving all their support in knowledge and time, for free, unconditionally supporting Nanda in her vision
Yours Sincerely,
Nanda Kulu , Founder Chairperson.